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A Poem by Eric Tran

A Poem by Eric Tran

Author: Poetry Editor

March 19, 2019

This week, a poem by Eric Tran.


I Wrote a Poem with Faggot


for the first time. Flying my flaggot out
high, how it ribbons in the wind—God

what flamboyant youth, what emotional
baggot prevented this celebraggot

and naked joy. Scraggot loud with fierce
intention: I am Eric Traggot, I read

Kramer’s cynical Faggots and was hard
as a raggot, angry, spilled teenage

saggot on those paggots of men fucking
into ruin and traggot. And still I pray

on my knaggot, shameless worship
of daggots, even boys who thraggoted

me with rocks were baggot, denial won’t
staggot danger. Always on my lips, faggot

and smile, teeth and faggot, O faggot
faggot faggot faggot.


ERIC TRAN is a resident physician in Asheville, NC. His chapbook of poetry, Revisions, is available from Sibling Rivalry Press. His work appears in or is forthcoming in Four Way Review, Prairie Schooner, and DIAGRAM.

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