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Emerge: 2016 Lambda Literary Fellows Anthology

Emerge: 2016 Lambda Literary Fellows Anthology

Author: William Johnson

June 8, 2017

Lambda Literary’s current issue of Emerge is now available for purchase. Edited by 2016 Lambda Literary Fellow Candace Eros Diaz, the anthology is a collection of fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, and genre fiction written by fellows of the 2016 Writers Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices. These contributors represent a powerful assemblage of the most talented up-and-coming queer writers from around the globe who each submitted selections workshopped during their summer residency.

As 2016 Emerging LGBTQ Voices fiction faulty member Sarah Schulman writes in the introduction:

When my Non-Fiction class of 2016 went around the room, and each student recounted their larger project, I realized that every person in my group was writing a book that had never been written before. In a culture of banality and repetition, and in this frightening moment of political and social regression, Lambda is supporting students whose stories have literally never been told. It’s materially a progressive force for literature, friendship, communication, knowledge, and care.

Cover art: Jessica Sabogal

You can purchase a copy of the anthology here.


William Johnson photo

About: William Johnson

William Johnson is the former Deputy Director of Lambda Literary.

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