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The Taco Bell Quarterly is Seeking Taco Bell-Adjacent Fiction, Essays, and Poetry

The Taco Bell Quarterly is Seeking Taco Bell-Adjacent Fiction, Essays, and Poetry

Author: Edit Team

April 16, 2020

Sharpen your prose poem in praise of the Nacho Cheese Doritos Loco because The Taco Bell Quarterly is open for submissions. The quarterly is seeking fiction, essays, poetry and art inspired by the popular fast-food restaurant.

The literary magazine has no affiliation with the taco serving chain so you can relax in knowing that the Taco Bell love is pure and free from any corporate mandates.

From the editors:

Hey it’s Taco Bell Quarterly, the queer-led literary Taco Bell magazine. We’re not queer-specific, but it is pretty queer that our literature is about Taco Bell. We’re looking for joy, for weirdness, for queerness, for beauty, pain, stories and living as it relates to Taco Bell. We’re looking for your Taco Bell-inspired, Taco Bell-adjacent fiction, essays, poetry and art. We’re not judgey and pretentious. We’re Taco Bell Quarterly. Yes, we’re serious. Jodi Picoult is our Reaper Ranch Queeeeen. Volume 3 is seeking subs through July 1 2020. Follow us on Twitter @TBQuarterly

Click here to submit.

Banner image: @michelleloserby

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