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What I’m Reading? ‘Delta of Venus’

What I’m Reading? ‘Delta of Venus’

Author: Jameson Fitzpatrick

July 16, 2010

Right now I’m working my way through Anaïs Nin’s Delta of Venus—the pièce de résistance of all erotic literature. It’s a fascinating read from a postmodern feminist perspective, but more than that, it’s just incredibly sexy. I’m amazed at the wide range of erotic perspectives she captures in her stories. As a collection, the book transcends clear-cut gender identifications and sexual orientations until desire becomes something much more essential. For Nin, sex is ultimately an exchange of power, but who has it and how they use it is in constant flux. I’m looking forward to conquering her diaries next.

Every week we ask an LGBTQ book lover what book they are currently reading and we post their answers here on every Thursday. To participate in “What I’m Reading” please send in your 250-300 word contribution (including the full author name, title, and your reaction to the book so far), along with a black and whtie photo of yourself (500 pixels x 300 pixels) to

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About: Jameson Fitzpatrick

Jameson Fitzpatrick's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, Best New Poets 2017, The New Yorker, Poetry, and elsewhere. He is the author of the chapbooks Morrisroe: Erasures (89plus/LUMA Publications) and Mr. &, forthcoming from Indolent Books. Find him on Twitter @twinkpiece.

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